Wednesday, February 12, 2014


I don't know how or why we decided to have 4 kids! I never thought about having a large family as a kid. I never really imagined myself in any particular situation, as in married with 2 children.  As a kid, I was just a kid. I never tried to get into the adult world. But now I am so grateful that we decided on 4. Again, I'm not sure it ever was a decision, it was just what seemed right. I never felt like I was finished having children until Olivia and now it has all worked out nicely. 2 boys and 2 girls.  I am so thankful for that. 
So this post is about sisters. I now sometimes think about how nice it would be to have a sister. Sisterhood is a special bond. I see it in my friends who are close to their sisters and I sometimes wish I had that relationship. Hopefully Isabella and Olivia will too. They are 6 years apart which is a big gap in age but they still have that love for each other that I think only sisters have. I hope they treasure each other for years to come. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Slip Slide & Sled

Another snow day!! While we hunkered inside today and baked some delicious spinach lasagna, Monday we hit the slopes! So...Monday was out, Tuesday was early dismissal and wedneSday was out! Can we make it a whole week without missing a day???

Here are some shots from Monday sledding day at George Rodgers park! Uma joined us with her awesome new llbean inner tube! 

My angel

Monday, February 3, 2014

A Letter from the President

A few months ago Isabella began a letter writing campaign. It started with the Lego company. She had lots of model ideas to send them! She got a nice response from them which was personalized. You could tell they took the time to read her letter and respond to her drawings and ideas. 

That kind of got her on a roll and next she wrote Papa John. He lives only about 15 miles from us so Isabella insisted on finding his home address online and sending her letter to his home instead of to the corporate headquarters. Just a few days later he replied with a handwritten post card and a ticket for a free pizza! It was really nice. 

Next she decided to get more organized so she wrote a list of all of the people she admired and wanted to write letters to. 

It was really interesting to see the wide variety of people she chose without anyone's influence. She developed this list all on her own. It consisted of authors,  pop stars, actors, businessmen, an athlete,  coaches, a politician, and even her former school principal. 

Today she got her first response from her 2nd wave of letters. A large envelope from the White House! All of the kids were super excited! Vincent declared "maybe Obama is real!!!"  

Inside was a nice letter from the president, a map of the White House, a signed photo of President Obama, some stickers about healthy eating and exercise, and a booklet about art in the White House. Isabella was really proud! It has been a fun project so far! It's very cool to see what she writes to her admirers and exciting for all of us when she gets something in the mail. Will keep the blog posted on her next package! 

Inspiring letter! 

 Papa john and Obama 

Her letter: