Tuesday, May 18, 2010

9 days till summer!

So I got the new background figured out. Isabella's field trip was lots of fun.  It was nice to spend the day with her, ride the yellow school bus, slide down slides together, and enjoy a McDonalds lunch (her favorite).  Then we came home, and after what seemed like an endless meltdown, I took her to my bed and closed the door.  I told her she could come out when she stopped screaming.  After about 1 minute of constant screaming she stopped.  I snuck in to see what she was doing...I thought maybe she had fallen off the bed or passed out..she was curled up under the blankets asleep...just what she needed!  Whew!  Next, Vincent konked out, so now i have only 1 child in my lap...Zachary!

Isabella's graduation is Thursday.  I'm trying to prepare myself for all the sappy "I am growing up songs" that will no doubt have my mascara running!  I can't believe she will soon be a kindergartner.  It seems like yesterday I was bringing her home from the hospital.  Toots and Eddie gave Zachary a book called "I will love you forever".  Isabella pulled it out this morning and asked me to read it to her.  I was crying by the 2nd page.  I can't handle that book!  I was relieved when she pulled out Yertle the Turtle next...so I could get my mind off of the inevitability of my babies growing up! 


I am already tired of this blog background, but no matter what I do, I can't seem to change it.

Vincent is officially crawling.  Derby day he was attempting to crawl.  By the end of the week he was doing a scoot across the floor, and now he can go from his belly to all fours.  Once he figured it out there was no stopping him.  He loves to clap and his face lights up when it's bath time!  He loves it!

Today I am off from work.  (it's election day) and I'm going on Isabella's field trip to puzzle's fun dome.  It should be lots of fun!  This is also her graduation week.  I'll have more updates on that later!

Better run!