Wednesday, June 9, 2010

First Words!

First words!

Vincent has been babbling a lot, but today I think he said his first official words.  I was leaving the house to go to class and I told him bye bye.  He mimics my mouth and repeats "bye bye bye bye bye"!

Summer has officially began as well.  Tomorrow is the kick off celebration!  We are visiting Holiday World.  The SSM picnic is this weekend and Kyle will be busy frying fish and chicken.  Then this Sunday we will be traveling to Bloomington for my first official triathlon that includes an open water swim!  We will be very busy over the next 4 days.  I'm already exhausted from getting little sleep, running a lot, and waking up very early.  In fact tomorrow I'm getting up at 4:45 to run with our running group.  We have a Tuesday/Thursday workout regimen that involves getting up 2 hours before the crack of dawn.  Yawn factory!

The kids have been sick, but are getting better.  Last week poor Kyle had to drag all three of them to the doctor at once.  We had a total of 3 infected ears, 2 cases of bronchitis, and 1 case of sinitius resulting in a terrible cough.  Now Vincent has passed along his pink eye like symptoms to me.  My eye isn't itchy but it is red and sticky.  Yuck!  We were wondering why he's been grumpy on top of all this sickness.  Then today we saw tooth number 3 poking through.  Right next to his other 2 bottom teeth.  So now he has 3 bottom teeth and I can only assume that a 4th will come in very soon.

Isabella has started ballet and is really enjoying it.  I bought her the wrong kind of shoes.  Apparently pink house slipppers aren't good ballet shoes...that's what her ballet teacher called the shoes I bought.  But I am blaming target for calling them ballet shoes and putting them with the leotards.  So now I have to go out and find some "real" ones.
The kids are getting into summer habits.  They are continuing to do "homework", Zachary is playing the piano, they are still doing their responsibility chart.  We are going to have to take a lot of trips to the zoo and get them out of the house.  They tend to go stir crazy after a while!  Thankfully I have made good friends with some of the SSM moms and we'll get our kids together some this summer and out of the house.
Isabella is reading like a 2nd grader.  I can't believe it!  I thought Zachary was a good reader, but I don't think he read this well at age 4!  It's incredible.  But she owes a lot to her brother who teaches her everything..and she absorbs it like a sponge!  We are so lucky to have kids who enjoy reading.  Although, Vincent enjoys eating books..he's not much into reading them!

Holiday World stories will follow soon.  Let's hope the kids are brave and don't cause Kyle to have a meltdown!  We've got lots of disastrous KY Kingdom stories which involved tears over refusal to ride the merry go round and the slow poke cars.  Did I mention those tears belonged to Kyle?
I hope to have good things to report tomorrow.  Kyle is holding Disney World over their heads.  Holiday World is prep for the Magic Kingdom...which still probably won't happen till they are in their twenties.

I'm up way past my Wednesday night bedtime.  I'll add pictures later.  Pictures help me remember the other things we've done throughout the week.  It will be a summer of fun!