Sunday, February 12, 2012

My Neptune

2 posts in one day?  I just had to post a picture of my Isabella, as she was so proud of her Neptune project for school.

A week to go

It's been a great start to 2012, but obviously there's been no time for blogging!  It's only a week, or less, until our new baby girl arrives.  Things have been so hectic that we haven't had much time to think and plan for our new arrival as much as we'd like.  Shortly after MLK day we moved to our new house.  Moving with 3 kids, being 8 months pregnant and working full time presents it's own challenges..but thankfully we had lots of help from friends and family.

Things went pretty smoothly..despite a mix up with the title which delayed our closing a couple of weeks.  Kyle borrowed a truck from his work and moved a lot of stuff over the weekend before the movers arrived on Monday.  I was sure that with all of the little stuff out of the house, it would take no time for the movers to move the furniture.  But I guess we have more than I anticipated.  We still had to pay the movers for a full 6 hours to move our furniture!

Things had been going too smoothly I guess.  On the day we moved in, I got home from work, headed to the bathroom and noticed a leak on the back of the toilet.  After flushing, there was a nice size puddle of water on the floor behind the toilet.  I asked Kyle to take a look at it and my mom and I went upstairs to put some stuff away in our closets.  The next thing I know I hear shouting and the sound of water rushing from downstairs.  We ran downstairs where Kyle and his Dad are frantically trying to find the main water cut off and water is gushing out of the valve behind the toilet.  Water spewed out of the wall for10 minutes or more..while we took turns trying to plug it with anything we could, call a plumber, call the realtor, call the previous owners, catch the water that was raining into the finished basement, and find the water shut off.  It was total panic and madness for about 20 minutes.  Thankfully Bonnie, our realtor literally lives across the street.  She was home and came running over, was able to call Kelli, who was able to tell us where to find the water shut off.  We will never forget where that sucker is!!

So now we are moved in and fairly settled.  We still have a lot of work to do.  Toby is still hanging with my mom until our new fence is put up.  The garage and basement still need some work and pictures need to be hung..but that stuff will get done eventually.  We are trying to shift our attention to getting ready for our new girl.  Hopefully little Vin will adjust well.  I'm really excited about getting to be a stay at home mom for a while!!  I can't wait to spend some time with my little Vin and new baby.  I'm looking forward to the spring's warm weather, walking the kids to school, library storytime, and trips to the zoo!  I also got a great deal on preschool music classes for Vincent.  I know he'll love those.  He loves to rock out! won't be long till I'm the mommy to a baby again.  Can't wait!