Friday, June 17, 2011


It's been sooo long since I've updated our little blog that I figured it was time for an overhaul.  Time has been moving fast and too much has happened to journal about it all.  I guess I'll have to do it in little chunks!

Here's a quick update on each kid and I'll try to go into depth and add pictures later!

Zachary:  Zachary finished 2nd grade with all A's on his report card...except art I think which he always has troubles in.  He made his first communion with most of our family present, along with Uncle Jed, Katie, and beautiful baby Charlotte.  Zachary has been busy this summer making comics, practicing piano, learning about super heros, making lego models, watching a new favorite cartoon phineas and ferb and playing wii with Dad.

Isabella:  Isabella finished Kindergarten with mostly all "Cool Mans" (CM=commendable) and a 1st grade readiness test that placed her in the 98th percentile nationally for all kindergartners!  We were super proud!  She had a dance recital at the end of the school year and is going to dance camp this summer.  She really wanted to do ballet camp but there wasn't enough interest, so she ended up in hip hop and jazz camp.  We'll see how that goes...she might be a little out of her comfort level but I think she'll have fun!  She wants to start playing violin so we talked to the violin teacher at Louisville Academy of Music and she can start in the fall.  This summer she has been mostly playing with her brothers and drawing...we need to visit Michael's and pick out some more art supplies because we're running out of ideas of artsy things to do.

Vincent:  Vincent is a typical 3rd child, I think!  He has no fear and is sometimes left to his own devices which gets him into trouble.  This week I was very thankful that I had the sense to purchase a leather couch, when he smeared a huge squirt of sunscreen all over the couch and later dropped ice cream all over it too.  He is beginning to love to read, especially at bedtime when he can beg for another and another book to read.  His favorites are "Brown Bear, Brown Bear", "Busy Birdies", and "Thomas's Railway Rhymes".  He also is highly attached to his "Blain-bic" or his blanket...unlike any of my previous children who never really formed an attachment to anything.  He pretty much likes to know where it is at all times.  He is talking like crazy learning his "ABC's", loves to sing, doesn't mind being in time out too much, but loves to say sorry and give hugs when he gets out.  He's a pretty sweet boy and he usually has good manners, but he can also throw a pretty big fit when it's not time for ice cream or treats and he's got them on his mind.         

I throw some pictures on here remind myself of all the great things we've done this year so far.  We are only into week 2 of summer so I'm sure they'll be lots of exciting times ahead!