Friday, March 30, 2012

4 weeks and on the go!

Our "little one-y" is already 4 weeks old!  Zachary gave her that nickname and I am sure it will be one of many.  She grew 1 3/4 inches and gained nearly 2 pounds in her first month.  Born at 7lb 13 oz, she immediately lost a bit and was 7lb. 5oz at her first pediatrician check up.  At one month she was up to 9lb. 4 oz and 21 3/4 inches.

Things have been very busy since bringing our little one home.  She goes everywhere we go, so she spends a lot of time in her stroller.  Since moving closer to the big kids school we also walk a lot more too...on some days for hours!  The double jogging stroller was worth every penny!  She smiled her first little smile!  Although brief she has done it many times...a little advance for her age, I think! 

For the 4th year, the older kids have been in St. X's spring musical production.  This year it was "A Funny Thing happened on the way to the Forum".  The kids love being in the play!  Last night, Kyle and I were ready to skip the Thursday performance because Zach had soccer practice, but he insisted on going.   They both were begging to go!  Vincent looks ready to perform as well.  I'm sure next year he will be up there!  Nothing stops him and he loves to be the center of attention!

Ranger Rick fairy house

When I was a kid, my favorite magazine was Ranger Rick!  I was a LONG time subscriber and for many years my bedroom walls very covered with cute animal centerfolds from Ranger Rick Magazine.  Last August Isabella saw a request in Ranger Rick magazine for reader submitted photos of fairy houses.  She really wanted to build one, so we collected sticks, flowers, bark, walnuts and pine cones from a local park.  We brought home our bag of nature goodies and built a fairy house in the backyard.  Her fairy house had many cute little features like a fairy swing and a adorable pine cone owl that was perched on the roof.  I sent in the photo via email and we got a quick response from the magazine.  They thanked us and said they loved the photo, but they couldn't guarantee that it would be in the magazine.

Last week we got a response from the magazine congratulating Isabella on being featured in April's Ranger Rick Issue.  They mailed us 5 copies and I sat one of the copies out on the couch before the kids got home from school.  They came in from school got their snack and did their homework like usual.  Later that afternoon I saw Zachary flipping though the magazine, but I said nothing.  A few minutes later I heard this squeal!  He saw her photo!  He was so excited and so was she!  She was very proud, especially because she was on top!

For closer pictures see:

Friday, March 9, 2012

Babycakes Olivia Kate

Our new baby arrived almost 3 weeks ago.  We named her Olivia Kate.  She is a treasure.
I went in to the doctor on her due date and he suggested/somewhat insisted that I be induced the next day.  I had several reasons for not wanting to be induced. 1-there is supposed to be a higher rate of c-section when women are induced.  2-I had never been induced before.  3-it seemed too planned and I wanted the excitement of going into labor when the baby was ready.  However, my doctor said I was very favorable for induction and I felt confident of that.  I knew that he really wanted to deliver our baby himself...and I kind of wanted him too also, given my previous negative experience with a unknown dr. who was just on-call.  So, I agreed and we went to Norton's Suburban Hospital at 7am the next morning.  It was exciting.  I had time to get ready and shower, check in and meet the nurses..all without having to be in the pain of labor.  They hooked me up to the machines, started a pitocin drip without any pain meds and waited for the contractions to start.  It didn't take long!  It did hurt, but nothing I couldn't handle.  She turned it up a notch and it hurt a bit more!  But then the epidural nurse came in and hooked me up..from then on it was a breeze.  He told me I had a spine fit for students.  I guess that meant that my epidural was easy to administer!  He rattled off the list of side effects..paralysis/death.. and then said to tell him if I had any ringing in my ears or metal taste in my mouth...I always have found that odd/nerve racking!  Then I was able to relax a couple of more hours and wait for baby Olivia to come.  At 12 pm, Kyle and I were chatting when the nurse came in to check on us.  She looked around and then said..I'll go get the're ready to have a baby!  That was quite a surprise since I thought we'd have another few hours to go!  Baby Olivia was born at 12:21 weighing 7lbs 13 oz.  Dr. Penta was able to deliver her easily with no complications.  It was definitely the easiest of all deliveries that I have experienced!  I don't regret my induction one bit!