Monday, February 28, 2011


We're back!  It's been a rough season for the Cats and for the old Yokids blog.  Maybe the Cats are suffering lack of support since I can't remember the last time we got to watch a game.  I guess that's what we get for canceling our TV service...but who has time to sit down and actually watch anything?  Anyway, lots is going on and lots is coming up.

In the near future we have:  the St. X play (1776), Pinewood Derby races, Zachary's SSM talent show performance (piano), Zachary's First Communion, Isabella's Spring Dance Performance, the end of the SSM Basketball season, Zachary and Isabella's first soccer season at SSM, and lots of shouting by Vincent.

We're happy that the warmer weather is coming up.  I'm trying to talk Kyle into the awesomest little/big playhouse I saw at Costco last week.   We (or maybe just myself) can't wait until it's zoo-season and the new polar bear exhibit is on display.  Also we can go to the Bernheim's kids programs and have an excuse to drive by Zappos shoe outlet and maybe stop in.  There are lots of fun things to do.

So now for a few little pictures and a video.


 Zachary's Blue and Gold Banquet for Cub Scouts

Vincent walking outside of SSM or "the big school" and the kids sometimes call it.

Zachary's first poster - The topic was "little blue penguins" done almost entirely by him...all I did was the cutting!

The video is a clip of Kyle reading Vincent's favorite book to the kids.  The book is called "Busy Birdies".  Vincent loves birds.  We don't know why, but he has since near birth.  For his first Christmas my mom got him a bunch of stuffed birds with authentic bird calls.  Then oddly enough, when he learned to crawl, he was constantly grabbing the Sibley's bird guide off of the book shelf and flipping through the pages.  So for Christmas we found him his own baby board book of birds and it is his favorite.  Watch the video and see his moves!