Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Another crazy week!

Right now I'm wondering how I'm going to do it all when I go back to work.  I've been sick for over a week so that is contributing to my pessimistic mood.  I went to the doctor two days ago because I was certain that I had strep throat and I also had a nagging pain in my hip.  She made me feel like a hypochondriac because apparently nothing is wrong...other than a bad case of tonsillitis/head cold.  I guess there is nothing they can do for that.  The hip just is likely a strain from running/slipping on snow and ice for 8 miles.  I guess I haven't been very smart lately.

The kids have also been sick.  Vincent has the same chest cold that I have.  Zachary and Isabella have both spent days home from school throwing up.  I think we are all worn down.  Kyle is the only one who has maintained his health!

We spent some time out in the snow when it snowed last week, building snow men and having snow ball fights.  The kids had lots of fun doing that...while Kyle was in the warm/toasty house with Vincent...hmmm..maybe that's why we are the sick ones!

Kyle had a great birthday.  He got a flip-video camera!  It's really easy to use and fun to play with.  We've been making short videos of the kids and soon we'll be able to burn them to dvd to preserve them forever!  Nice!
Delicious Nords Bakery Birthday Cake!

I finished knitting my first baby hat.  It turned out pretty nice.  It looks great in the pictures but if you were to inspect it up close you can see a few mistakes.  I had trouble with the double pointed needles.  I tend to lose track of what I'm doing with 3 kids and 3 animals running around.  There are a couple of small holes in the top and it looks a little messy...but maybe next time will be better.  Currently I'm working on a pair of booties that were supposed to be for Vincent but they may instead fit Isabella!  Yes, they turned out a little too big!

                             First baby hat! Made with love by Momma!

We did have a day of nice weather this past weekend and we were able to take the kids out to the park to practice ball.  Isabella didn't last long, but she was also coming down with that stomach virus too.  They did have fun though.


Zachary..Turn the glove around!
Isabella gets the glove down
Vincent showing a little baby attitude!  

Kyle made an awesome soup last night.  It was a Bolivian recipe that he got off of the Lenten rice bowl.  It was a great cheesy vegetable soup.  He even followed the recipe and included the red and green peppers!  It tasted great!

That's it for the new news.  Sounds like Vincent is awake so I better attend to him!  Until next time....

Monday, February 8, 2010

Circus Circus

Yesterday we went to the circus with some of Zachary's classmates.  I met my buddy Jen at Zachary's school and we have been running together, training for the mini.  Her son has spina bifida, so they get tickets to the Kosair circus every year.  They were kind enough to take us along.  Since it our first time, we were amazed by all of the acts, but our favorites were the sheepdogs and the motorcycles in the ball cage.  5 motorcycles were zooming around the cage at once!  Zachary thought it was "amazing"!  Here are the pictures from our awesome day.


Above: Isabella, Zach, Abby, Jen and George, Samantha, and Chloe

Below: Isabella, Me, Zachary, Abby and Popsy

Zachary, Abby and Festus!

Isabella and the big girls!

Jugglers and Acrobats


Abby and Zachary

You can't go to the circus and not get a glow stick!  
Since Mom would only buy 1 we had to share! 

American Flag!


5 motorcycles in a Cage!
We finished the day with a trip to Pizza Hut.  Thanks to the Book It program we were able to feed 5 kids and 2 adults for less than 9 dollars.  That was amazing too!  The kids had so much fun.  They crashed hard and were in bed before 7:30, so mom got to watch the superbowl while relaxing with Vincent.
Dad-the MOSS club president had to attend to the MOSS club superbowl party.  However, he did get to spend some quality time with Vincent while I took the kids to the circus.  He even was able to give Vincent a bottle with no fuss and I was glad they got to spend some one on one time together. 

This week we are expecting some more snow, so my next chapter may include more snow pictures.  Zachary also has a Valentine party coming up and I am looking forward to being a room helper on Friday!  Pictures of that will follow!

Friday, February 5, 2010

New News

News of the past two weeks in a flash:  (In case you don't want to read the entire posting.)

Vincent had his 4 month old checkup..he weighs 16 lbs. 3oz.
Vincent started rice cereal.
Zachary lost a tooth.
Zachary missed 4 days of school.
Vincent became an expert roller.
Kyle filed our taxes.
Kyle made a spinach and egg drop soup.
Our computer contracted a fun.
Isabella had her parent-lunch.
Angela started knitting lessons. 
Angela knitted two scarves...actually 1 scarf and a pot holder.
It snowed.
Isabella had her last basketball game.

Those were in no particular order.

Vincent's Food Adventures
Vincent's first bite of rice cereal.

Vincent had his 4 month old check up this past week.  Since he has doubled his birth weight (he now weighs 16 pounds and 3 ounces) and is showing interest in food (he grabbed 2 hand fulls of spaghetti at dinner last week and dropped them down my shirt) he could start trying new foods.

Vincent wasn't too thrilled with his first few experiences with rice cereal.  I tried mixing it with water and milk, but neither appealed to him.  I discovered he loves carrots and sweet potatoes, so finally I got the idea of mixing in a spoon full of carrots.  That gave the rice cereal the flavor he likes and he gobbled them down!

 This is Vincent enjoying his food!
Zachary's Unfortunate Adventures
Zachary lost another tooth.  This one was the bottom right.  It has been loose for months and finally he came from school one day and said, "Mom I have to go to after school care tomorrow so Grant can pull my tooth."  The next day he came home from school with the tooth in a little tooth necklace.  Grant is totally awesome.  Apparently tooth pulling is one of his expertise.  He loves doing it.

This is Zachary showing off his missing tooth..and yes he desperately needed a hair cut!

Other Zachary news...Zach missed 4 days of school this week due to a sinus/ear infection.  He ran a fever ranging between 100 and 105 all 4 days.  His teacher sent home 10 pages of make up work..20 pages if you count the front and back.  However, he is pretty sharp and got most of it finished before he returned to school.  Today was his first day back and he was excited.  He missed his buddies.

sick day :(

Also, I got to visit Zachary's school last week for career day.  It was a lot of fun!  I was able to share what is like to be a science teacher and show the kids a science experiment.  Zachary told me I was his 2nd favorite presenter.  Mr. Nord from Nord's bakery was his favorite...I wonder why???

Isabella News
Isabella was a champion this week.  She never complained about going to school even though Zachary got to stay home.  She was super excited about parent lunch.  She couldn't wait for me to come in and eat lunch with her.  It was nice because I got to spend some one on one time with her.  She told me all about the new rules her teacher had made.  And she was too funny when she told me "Brian asked me to marry him.  I told him I would have to think about it because I want to marry Zachary".  I heard from some other preschool moms that the new favorite topic at school is marriage. 

Parent News
Our stories aren't quite as exciting.  I started taking knitting lessons with Katie.  Sorry, I don't have any pictures to post of my finished would be quite embarrassing anyway.  I've made one scarf that doesn't quite fit comfortably around my neck...and 1 scarf that turned into a pot holder because it was taking me WAY too long.  Also, thanks to my downloading of knitting patterns, our computer contracted a virus and nearly sent me into a panic at the thought of losing all of my precious photos.  I need to go out ASAP and buy an external hard drive...not that I know how to use just sounds like a good idea.

Here are some more pictures of the week...
Vincent becoming an expert roller.  He can flip really fast .....before you know it.

Vincent in his exer-saucer for the first time.

Isabella reading to her stuffed animals!

The kids playing a board game together.  They had no idea what they were doing..they just were having fun with the pieces.  Notice Vincent grabbing for the money.  The kids thought that was hilarious.

Isabella and her basketball trophy..which is a little mini-isabella.

Fun baby close up!

Zachary with his "Stink" shadow box for school.  It was a story about a little boy and his guinea pig adventures.

Zachary as a police man on career day.  He chose that career himself!